Tuesday, January 27, 2009

some eye candy <3

me&my dad; lizeth; lucius; e-jay; eugene; VIBE magazine launch; scuba; scottyP.

time management.

[how long do you wait to say what you need to say? how long do you wait for something to be said..? how long should you wait for what you want? how much time is too much time, or too little time? how much time should you put up with things that need to change..? how much time should it take you to change? is there too much time being spent, or is there not enough..?]

I have things I want to say, and things I know should be said.Things I sense are about to be verbalized, but I don't know who or what will initiate the words, so I find myself in waiting. I just can't figure out how much time is too much time, or if enough time has passed or..? So, I'm waiting..because sometimes that's all you can do. Time is all we definitely have, even though we don't know how much of it is ours, and even though we know it won't wait.

I'm spending my all of my time waiting, but I'm not sure what to overlap it with. Waiting is constant, but the time that takes can be shared. I don't know how to divide it. I don't know if I'm spending too much time here or there, and not enough there or here. I don't know if I'm handling my time wisely, I don't even know the point of any of this.

Saturday, January 24, 2009

Okay,so I'm writing this via Blackberry for the first time. If it works out well, my BB will REALLY be my entire life :)

School started. Training was wack, move-in day was a mess (and was also my first day of dootz), I LOVE my new staff members :) umm..my classes are decent, I'm indulging in photography! Inauguration day was magical: I'm more in LOVE with Obama than ever (and he with me!) I get to see my sugar daily - its awkward to be in this position, but I'm warming up to it again..

I'm going to be starting a blog for my photography (as per the request of my professor). I'm excited about it. I'll have to come up with a statement about my work, although I may change the focus a bit this semester. I got some interesting, semi-expected reactions to my stuff last semester, and it would be fun to continue it, even though the common denominator was not intentional. You'll see :)

My professors name is Robin Schwartz, by the way. Check her out at www.robinschwartz.net.

Thursday, January 15, 2009

hea's the stawry,

i should be packing. i'm like..a little over 1/2 way done, but i should still be packing. WTF. how did the break go so fast? i wish i was 10..time didn't go as fast back then. back to school tomorrow, the start of winter training..blah. i'm hoping for a good staff. i miss Los already ;\ i wish we could haze the newbies.

so, me and Liz have been talking. we're extremely alike, but also very different people. regardless, people seem to think we are something we're NOT in so many different ways.

Common Misconception: Liz & Lauren are either super cool party girls, who are superficial, materialistic, bougie (sp?) and high maintainance..OR..mean, intimidating, high saddity bitches.

The Truth: we are complete losers. i mean, we're cool to eachother obviously, but it's because we're both losers. we sit around on internet gossip sites, or food blogs, or youtube, or stalk people on facebook or watch SNL clips. we talk about losing weight, and then discuss what kind of cupcakes to invent. we window-shop online for shoes we could never afford. we convince ourselves that we will one day BE beyonce.(WHICH..WE WILL!) ..And we're not mean. We're actually really nice people. I have yet to figure out WHY people constantly think we are mean.. the only (completely invalid) reason I've heard is that we have intimidating facial expressions, which is hard to believe because 90% of the time, we're laughing hysterically at something that's really not funny. ..Am I high-maintainance? No.. do i like nice things? YES! no shame in that. am i materialistic? NO!...do i love to shop? YES! i don't buy anything i can't afford. i don't have a credit card. i pay upfront for whatever my heart desires :)

Moral of the story..? Get to know us. We're really not cool, but we're really NOT mean, either. :)

peas&CARROTS! <3

Monday, January 12, 2009


i just did the unthinkable. the impossible. not so impossible. but unthinkable for sure.

but i'm happy. :] for the first time I saw the mirror image of myself, and at first had the same response I'd always received, & then got some sense talked into me.


Sunday, January 11, 2009

aaaaand THIRD!

...i just changed my mind. ;x

I'm a Virgo. I don't believe in horoscopes, but the personality traits of the signs tend to hold true..

I am a Virgo & LOVE it.. I'm critical, have high standards, and have completely emphasized emotions. I over analyze everything in my life and no matter how much I try to change that, it just doesn't happen..and lately it's been getting the best of me. Rather than try to change it, I guess I should just try to live with it & not take it as seriously as I can at times.

I don't beast for relationships, and I can't say that it's what I'm specifically looking for but, I'm saying.. If I walked into Christian Louboutin and saw a pair of shoes marked down to $100 from $900, how could I pass it up? Never pass up a good thing!...I used that example because the odds of it happening are slim to none, kind of like finding a good man. :)

..Back to the point! My critical, over-analytical, emotional tendencies get the best of me in every potential relationship. It's not the "too good to be true" deal, it's just that I tend to notice little things that could possibly be a sign of something bigger, or maybe not.. I notice slight changes in attitude, conversation, demeanor, appearance, etc. and automatically start contemplating the negative. I HATE playing the "woman scorned" role, but how can my past not influence my present & future? It's natural..& I'm just tired of history repeating itself.

Regardless, I find myself falling.. and of course over-analyzing EVERY thing. It's so corny to say, but I feel like I'm sabotaging myself. I've never tried so hard to NOT think about things as I am now. It's freakin' exhausting. Maybe I'm scared of commitment. Maybe I'm scared I might miss something better. Maybe I'm just not beat for another failed attempt.

Anyway I look at it I still see those Christian Louboutin's priced at $100, and know I'd be a fool to walk out of the store without them.


okay. changed the URL to my blog, so I'm copy-pasting my entries here.


2009! Let's try this again...

Last year I created a blog and let it fall off. The year before that, I did the same thing.. So, here I am again. New YEAR, new BLOG. How long will it last?

I'm contemplating going balls to the wall with this one and saying WHATEVER I want to say on here. It's always easier to type than to speak, in my case. But..that may get me into some trouble, especially because whoever reads this may be a topic one day. :) Or maybe they won't and I'll be able to rant & rave as I wish..

I'll contemplate some more before I unleash any wrath..

Till then... <3