Monday, September 21, 2009


i'm sorry its been so long. i'll try not to do it again, but then again.. you know i will.

i have deja vu entirely TOO much for it to be considered normal. i dream entirely too much for it to be the same. i guess they can be considered the same thing, asleep vs. awake.

signs are all around me, but i'm bobbing & weaving like a professional. it's a matter of taking the signs for what they are, its a matter of grabbing them & holding them & loving them. Everytime I attempt to do so, my fingers fail me & i'm back at square one, two, three.

i don't remember what it's like to be in this position. i guess with every 'brand new' you forget what has happened before. ahhhh, life's cycles.. there's no escaping them. i smiled when i wrote that, God knows the reason why...

I'll be twenty-two tomorrow. the signs are birthday gifts from God. He wants me to grab them, and make them birthday gifts TO me, FROM me. i'm just not used to spoiling myself..

& so it goes.